The following are sample HTTP requests and responses.
The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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Content-Length: length
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value: String
field_name: String,
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min: 0,
sum: 0
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id: String,
askId: 0,
userId: 0,
userCode: String,
customerId: 0,
companyName: String,
auctionHouseAbbrev: String,
auctionHouseName: String,
avatar: String,
description: String,
cdnxEntryCode: String,
cdnEntryId: 0,
entryName: String,
entryImageUrl: String,
entryImageSource: String,
grade: 0,
fullGrade: String,
service: String,
sightCode: String,
callForPrice: False,
spotMessage: {},
spotBased: False,
spotPlusMinus: String,
spotDollarPercent: String,
spotOffset: 0,
quantity: 0,
extended: String,
details: False,
error: False,
expireDate: String,
lastModified: String,
paperQuality: {},
isAuction: False,
auctionEnds: 0001-01-01,
auctionSoldFor: 0,
url: String,
isCac: False,
isSold: False,
aprId: 0,
rec_type: String,
price: 0,
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catalog: String,
catalogSort: 0,
group_id: 0,
group: String,
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series: String,
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q: String
search_cutoff: False,
search_time_ms: 0,
Total: 0,
OpCode: 0,
ErrorText: String,
RequestTime: String,
ResponseTime: String,
TotalExecutionTime: String,
CachedResponse: False